3 Podcasts I’m Currently Binge Listening

3 Podcasts I’m Currently Binge Listening

My favorite daily ritual as of late is my morning walk. Sunshine, good company (I always bring Michael and Dash along), and cardio make for a pretty great serotonin boost, but my walks have leveled up even more now that I’m in my podcast era.

As I was re-reading prior to posting I was in my overthinking era and wondering if I needed to explain that typically I’m taking these walks when Ted is working. On the weekends he comes along and I don’t need to listen to podcasts because we talk on the walk…but I’m hoping the fact I love my husband and invite him on walks when he is available is obvious!?

I started to challenge myself to trade in listening to music or my own racing thoughts for podcasts and now I love the routine of changing into my cutie walk outfit, getting Michael and Dash ready to tag along, and choosing the podcast episode I’m going to listen to while I move my body and start my day. Settling on an episode to listen to can quickly become overwhelming because there are hundreds of thousands of podcasts out there covering topics from true crime to the daily news. When in doubt of what to choose I have found myself consuming these 3 podcasts voraciously:

Jay Shetty’s On Purpose podcast is the podcast that made me a podcast girlie. It has quickly become my my no-brainer, go-to podcast when I want to feel not only entertained, but also inspired. I adore his energy, life philosophies, and thoughtful interview questions. I have even listened to several of the episodes multiple times and taken notes. Yeah…they’re THAT good.

Life Goals: Become friends with Claudia and Jackie. Like, best friends. These gals are so authentic, and unedited, and listening to them feels like chatting with your besties over brunch. Loudly. It’s the perfect podcast for catching up on the all things pop culture, and is a great counterbalance to more serious and thought provoking shows like Jay’s…not that my thoughts aren’t provoked by The Toast because hellloooooo I very much think about the Kardashians and T-Swift’s newest love interest but those things are like, less panic inducing and fun to think about, ya know?

de-Influenced has been such a fun listen because I got in at the very beginning and have listened to it evolve and figure itself out. I have followed Dani for years and it’s very much an extension of her content that I already consume, but with much more of a behind-the-scenes-no-holding-back sort of vibe which I love!

So there ya have it! My current top 3, go-to podcasts for my hot mom walks…and drives into work, and anytime I find myself with headphones in because I don’t want to be bothered or approached by strangers…or heck sometimes even people I know! What are some of your favorite podcasts? Leave your recommendations down below so I can give them a listen!

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